FRIDAY 20th NOVEMBER OFFER - Cashmere Feather Scarf - HALF PRICE SCARF WORTH £72.50

Feathers Of Italy would like you to Join me in my November Challenge 4 weeks of pre Christmas outfits live at 5 on FACEBOOK We are locked in for a month so want to cheer you up and b ring you gift ideas and fashion tips yet again adding a little sparkle to your evenings with some great Offers. 

I will be going live on Mondays through to Fridays to shop you my top 5 daily picks with lots of special offers along the way!

FRIDAY 20th November I bring you my hand made selection of luxurious cashmere mix scarfs getting you cosy this Christmas. Buy one for you and a gift for a friend they come in a casual care bag to keep them protected when you are not using them.

Buy 2 Fabulous Cashmere Scarfs and get one Half Price worth £72.50.


Remember we have limited stock so head to our Live at 5 Page now and make your choices.

Limited stock so please be quick FIRST COME FIRST SERVE.

Go to scarfs 


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